Maxon Cinema 4D Broadcast, Release 16 (Box)
CINEMA 4D Broadcast has everything you need to create dynamic broadcast graphics quickly and easily. If you are a motion graphics artist looking to add 3D to your existing suite of tools, then this is the ideal choice for you.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher running on a 64-bit Intel-based Mac; 1024 MB free RAM, DVD ROM drive. Standard DVD installation can take up to 7 GB of disk space. Software must be registered for permanent use.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher running on a 64-bit Intel-based Mac; 1024 MB free RAM, DVD ROM drive. Standard DVD installation can take up to 7 GB of disk space. Software must be registered for permanent use.