Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio - Competitive Discount for Gov't/Non-Profit/3D Users: C4DSB-N - Latest Version Software -

Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio - Competitive Discount for Gov't/Non-Profit/3D Users: C4DSB-N - Latest Version Software

  • $5,146.00
  • Save $294

Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio - Competitive Discount for Gov't/Non-Profit/3D Users: C4DSB-N - Latest Version Software


  • Complete CINEMA 4D Toolset (Mac & Win)
  • Advanced, Comprehensive 3D Graphics
  • Discounted for Gov't/Non-Profit/3D Users
  • Create Character Rigs and Animations
  • Note: This Competitive Discount is valid for government and non-profit organizations, owners of any CINEMA 4D software in any version and release, and owners of any other 3D applications.

Maxon CINEMA 4D is a comprehensive 3D graphics software offering large sets of advanced tools, flexible workflow, and broad integration capability. The Studio version provides the complete CINEMA 4D toolset, and R17 (Release 17) adds a large variety of new tools and features, including a highly updated timeline, new shaders and splines, enhanced motion tracking, and Houdini Engine and SketchUp integration.

Create character rigs and advanced character animations, add hair and fur, and much more. A powerful physics engine allows you to perform complex collisions and interaction between objects, whether a few or thousands. Network rendering lets you take advantage of all the computers on your network to help render your animations faster. Although an advanced 3D application, CINEMA 4D is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, as well as fast, with much of the work being done for you in the background. For example, hair will automatically swoosh and sway as you move your character around.

Minimum System Requirements Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D
Windows (running on Intel or AMD 64-bit CPU with SSE3 support)
    Windows 7 SP1 64-bit (all versions)
    Windows 8 64-bit (all versions)
    Windows 8.1 64-bit (all versions)
    Windows 10 64-bit (all versions)

    Mac OS X 10.9.5 or higher with 64-bit processor running on Intel-based Apple Macintosh

    4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
    OpenGL graphics card supporting OpenGL 4.1 (dedicated GPU recommended)
    USB port
    Internet connection is required
    Registration is required

Cinema 4D on Windows 10
There are no known Cinema 4D issues that are Windows 10-specific but your user experience might differ, depending on your hardware. Our closed field test showed that some but not all GPU drivers or input device drivers work less reliably on the new operating system, especially when using third-party plugins that rely on these drivers. This can change anytime if these drivers are updated, which means that no general guidelines exist regarding which graphics cards will be affected. For users of Intel HD2500 / HD4000 GPUs, we don't recommend the use of Windows 10 because they will most likely not receive the necessary updates.

Some versions could not be used with Windows 10. However, we received positive feedback with regard to using the current version 7.7.9 with Windows and Cinema 4D. According to the website, there is no official support for Windows 10. Download:
Graphics cards

Generally speaking, Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D support all OpenGL 4.1-capable graphics cards. Nevertheless, we recommend using a dedicated 3D graphics card with an AMD or NVIDIA chip set. High-performance graphics chips are currently already available in mid-range laptops. Make sure that you always use the most current certified graphics card driver (no beta versions).

MAXON is not responsible for the compatibility of individual graphics cards with the OpenGL mode. Due to the large number and types of available chip sets, operating systems and driver versions we cannot guarantee the compatibility of all systems.

The technical specifications of MAXON products are constantly changing. Please use the most current demo version of the software to test its compatibility on your computer.

For the most up to date information see the System Requirements on the MAXON web page.